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Frosted Glass Front Door

Style your glass inserts or fully glazed front door with one of our frosted glass options for a bright yet private interior. Opaque and milky, frosted glazing obscures the view into your home from passers-by while you continue to profit from natural light illuminating entrance areas and creating a homely atmosphere. At windows24.com you will find a wide variety of entrance door models with frosted glass inserts of different shapes and sizes.

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Producing frosted privacy glass

A pane of glass, whether for a door, window, or side panel, can be fully or partially frosted through complex processes. Sandblasting, for example, is the most common method for achieving a stained milky surface. Here an abrasive, such as sand, is blown across the surface at high pressure by experts, causing the glazing to become opaque. Another option is then to have the glass professionally treated with hydrofluoric acid.

Although the complexity and costs of both manufacturing methods make frosted glazing more expensive than our decorative variants, it can be a reliable and durable long-term privacy solution with stylish design. With exterior frosted windows and doors, you can save on roller shutters or curtains, for example, which can involve tricky installation or take up space.

Many installation options

Whether for bifold french doors, sidelights, or fanlights separated by a leaded transom, frosted glazing is highly versatile. The entire surface of doors and windows can be stained with a frosted look, for example, whereas another alternative is to treat only certain sections of the glass to create visually interesting, frosted strips. The different degrees of privacy that can be given to the glass therefore make it particularly suitable to be installed as:

  • Patio doors
  • Entrance door glass window panels
  • Room dividers
  • Bathroom windows

With its milky appearance, a frosted insert shields your home from curious onlookers while allowing UV rays to pass through. Due to this and the white surface, light is therefore well distributed and brightens interiors, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. In contrast to clear glass or unglazed models, frosted glass can therefore be used for private spaces like bathrooms, as well as for doors opening into front living rooms.

Frosted glass window panels can add that final accent to your front door design. When installed in classic wooden glass doors, for example, they add a modern touch. With solid anthracite aluminium doors, on the other hand, a frosted glass door window softens the look, creating a unique style. Regardless of the door model chosen, a frosted insert is sure to bring together functionality with top-of-the-range glass design.

Security options for your glass door

A frosted external door can harmoniously blend in with different home façades and create stylish, secluded entrances while the permitted light flow creates cosy, bright interiors beyond the threshold. Doors and windows with generous glass surfaces can, however, be attractive to burglars. At windows24.com there is therefore a large range of available front door security add-ons to choose from.

One option, for example, is to reinforce your door with a pane of toughened laminated safety glass.

Other features then include automatic locking systems and side hinge security. These high-tech add-ons come with the latest fingerprint technology, for example, plus self-close and lock upon being opened. In the comprehensive configurator of windows24.com you will find detailed information pop outs and can view all further selectable options.

Thermal Insulation

Front doors with large, double glazed frosted glass panels can provide good thermal insulation, sufficient for standard needs. To maximise on comfort and reduce energy costs, an extra pane of glass can also be added to the panel, however, to produce highly insulating triple glazing. A door’s thermal properties can then also be impacted by its base material. uPVC profiles, for example, followed by composite doors made from uPVC with aluminium cladding, feature multiple interior chambers and so best enhance insulation.

Frosted glass care

Glass doors often require special care depending on the type of glazing. While clear glass and decorative glazed panels can be cleaned like conventional windows, there are a few points to bear in mind for frosted glazing. Whereas mild window cleaner can be applied on the smooth side, for example, on the rougher face distilled water with a clean microfibre cloth should be used. Strong cleaning agents or rubbing should also be avoided to prevent surface damage. With a little patience, however, frosted glass can truly reward with its provision of light paired with seclusion.

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